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Infrastructure Agenda Outlined During State of the Union Speech

President Joe Biden addressed plans for how the $1.2 trillion infrastructure budget, signed into law last November, would be used. The spending will be spread out over the next five to 10 years, according to the White House.

"America used to have the best roads, bridges and airports on Earth," Biden said during the State of the Union speech. "Now our infrastructure is ranked 13th in the world. We won't be able to compete for the jobs of the 21st Century if we don't fix that … That is why it was so important to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill …It is going to transform America and put us on a path to win the economic competition of the 21st Century that we face with the rest of the world—particularly with China."

During the speech, Biden announced that some funding will go toward fixing more than 65,000 miles of highway and 1,500 bridges this year alone. 4,000 other infrastructure projects have already been announced, he said.

One of those projects includes infrastructure upgrades along the U.S. border. The General Services Administration plans to spend roughly $3.4 billion to modernize 26 land ports of entry along the U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico, the Federal News Network reports. 

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