2 minutes reading time (329 words)

Journal Entry #1: Navigating International Trade Credit

I've just completed my second week of FCIB's International Credit & Risk Management (ICRM) online course and it's been nothing short of a very pleasant experience. Although I've only brushed the surface of international trade credit, I've already learned so much.

In the two modules I've completed so far, I've learned about the basics of how international credit management works and how to establish new customers. I'm also seeing how the basics of Business Credit Principles tie into international credit.

Conducted by ICRM Instructor Val Venable, CCE, CICP, ICCE, the course is well organized and easy to navigate. The modules include various videos and recordings from experts on the subject. Towards the end, students are expected to answer three different questions and respond to others on a forum discussion board. There's also a quiz at the end of the module with multiple chances to complete until you get a passing grade, I know from my experience in the second module.

I enjoy learning more about international trade credit from experienced credit professionals through their discussion posts. I'm learning from students all over the world, including India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, the U.K., Spain, Finland, Switzerland and Poland, which makes for a diverse and inviting class discussion.

My favorite discussion post was in the second module, where it asked us to provide an example of a cultural difference that could negatively affect an international trade transaction. I answered to the best of my ability, given my lack of credit experience, and said that it would be a language barrier. Miscommunication can be costly on both parties, in time, energy and finances. I suggested hiring a translator or learning the language of the customer to prevent confusion that often comes with using Google Translate. For instance, given that I'm also fluent in Spanish, I'd facilitate better transactions with Spanish speakers. 

I'm truly enjoying what I'm learning and expect to use this newfound knowledge in future FCIB Week in Review articles.
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