1 minute reading time (203 words)

Journal Entry #2: Learning from Around the World

 As I enter my third week of the International Credit & Risk Management (ICRM) online course, I'm learning more about the nitty and gritty aspects of international trade. One of the newest topics I'm learning about is financial analysis, which is a challenging subject but necessary for successful credit management. It truly is an art. Fellow students in the ICRM course are helping me along the way as someone without a credit background. I feel privileged to learn alongside sharp, experienced credit professionals who have so much knowledge about the field. 

I'm also learning more about the technical side of credit that involves formulas and balance sheets, which can get tricky given that I have a B.S. in English with a focus on writing. I've come to realize that there is more to financial statements than meets the eye, which makes me want to study even harder and learn even more.

Through the discussion posts, I've learned from other students and have seen how they apply their knowledge and experience. It's rewarding to see how credit professionals from around the globe work and manage their credit departments. Despite the different policies and customs, everyone works together and shares best practices.

Until next week ...


Jamilex Gotay, editorial associate

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