1 minute reading time (227 words)

Looking Forward to Learning More

I finished NACM's Business Credit Principles course last week and received the certificate! As I submitted my very last quiz, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. The same feeling I'd get when I would run through the finish line in a track race—I would take the time to build my stamina and pace, then give it my all at the very end. As someone who pushes themselves to achieve all they can, I loved taking this course because it was rewarding to learn the foundations of B2B credit.

After passing Business Credit Principles, I feel confident in my knowledge of the credit industry and am prepared to learn so much more. This course made me hungry to take other classes and provided a base layer to build upon what I have already learned.

Some of my favorite modules to learn about were credit investigations, business credit fraud and making credit decisions. Reading about the history of credit scores and the elements of credit limits were especially interesting to me.

Being a student in addition to tackling my everyday work tasks taught me how to multitask and balance my time. I'll miss taking the course because it gave me a chance to break out of my regular routine. Even though this journey has ended, more opportunities for education are ahead!

Until next time,

Kendall Payton, editorial associate

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