1 minute reading time (271 words)

Member Spotlight: Achieving Credit Success


NACM's Professional Certification Program gives all credit professionals tools for success. With six levels of certification, credit managers have a wide range of options to learn about—whether it is learning something completely new or brushing up on already acquired skills.

Heather Will, CBAcredit manager at Anchor Industries, Inc. (Evansville, IN) said she went for the Credit Business Associate (CBA) when she got accepted a position as a credit analyst. "The CBA gave me more knowledge and confidence that I needed to jump into the credit world and learn about my job more in-depth," Will said. "I faced a few obstacles in my personal life, but working at my own pace and at my convenience made this journey exceptionally suitable."

The CBA is an academic-based designation which signals mastery of three business credit related disciplines: basic financial accounting, business credit principles and introductory financial statement analysis. Earning this designation was a major accomplishment for Will. "I operate off a very full plate and the courses were available to me 24 hours a day," she said. "I was able to complete it on my own time and that alone is what allowed my accomplishment. I'm glad I took the chance and went for it! I plan to earn my Certified Business Fellow (CBF) and eventually I hope to hold the Certified Credit Executive (CCE) designation."

💡Study Tip: Write a summary of each new concept in your own words to remember the material. "I suggest doing all practice tests and quizzes offered to print to study off of."

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