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Member Spotlight: CCE Designation of Excellence

NACM's Designation of Excellence Awards were created to honor designation holders at four distinct levels: the CBA, CBF, CCRA and CCE. Each recipient must have an unrelenting pursuit of excellence through enhanced and improved knowledge. Equally important is the desire to share that knowledge through speaking, teaching or mentoring. Mike Hill, CCE, NACM board member and director of credit at MiTek USA, Inc. (Chesterfield, MO) has just been recognized as this year's recipient of the CCE Designation of Excellence.

As a Certified Credit Executive (CCE) holder, Hill is capable of managing the credit function at an executive level, an expert in accounting, finance, domestic and international credit concepts, management and law. But with the CCE Designation of Excellence Award, Hill has set himself apart as he reaches 15 years at his company.

Hill earned his award through determination and seeking more responsibility. He joined committees and boards whenever he got the chance. "I went from the local St. Louis to the NACM Connect Board and now the NACM Board of Directors," Hill said. "I made sure to focus on staying organized, learning and building relationships." Hill made sure to take advantage of NACM's Graduate School of Credit & Financial Management (GSCFM).

This award has shown him how the status of credit has improved. "When I started, we were in the Great Recession," Hill said. "Now, we're still in an unstable economy after a global pandemic. I think companies have realized we can do more than just credit and collections. We can also measure and forecast economic-related issues."

For Hill, it's an honor to be recognized by his peers, especially after taking and putting into practice what he's learned from them. "I spent more time listening and learned so much from my connections," Hill said. "It's funny, the person who hired me 15 years ago was just starting his journey as NACM chair. Since then, he's been a great mentor of mine through the years."

Hill acknowledges the support he's received in his career that attributed to his award. "I received a lot of support from NACM members and my own company before and after receiving the award. Everyone was excited, from the credit team to the CEO and COO."

Hill is also grateful for the support from his wife, Amanda, and two kids, Ava and Kyle. "Occasionally, I have to be away for work or NACM and I miss events at home," Hill said. "However, they know why and they have always supported me. I would not have won this award without them doing that."
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