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Member Spotlight: CCRA Designation of Excellence

NACM's Professional Certification Program allows credit professionals to earn designations, learn and apply useful knowledge to help enhance their careers. In some instances, the certification program leads credit professionals to come back and earn even more.

Seeking an NACM designation is valuable at any point in your career, said Jayce Alfonzo, CCRA, CBA, senior credit manager at Watsco, Inc. (Orlando, FL). "Being recognized as a certified credit professional shows your commitment and dedication to your credit management career," said Alfonzo. "You will gain knowledge and understanding of every aspect of credit management, which will open doors for career advancement opportunities."

The road to earning a CCRA came with lots of dedication to time and balance between life, school and work for Alfonzo. In her 15-year journey as a credit professional, Alfonzo's CCE mentor encouraged her to complete her career road map through the NACM Professional Certification Program. "Being that I was new to the credit and collections world, becoming aware of the opportunities offered by NACM to gain additional knowledge and distinction in my profession was a valuable step in my career path," said Alfonzo. "My favorite part aside from getting to know and becoming a part of the NACM family is being able to share my knowledge and experience to encourage others to pursue their career goals."

After obtaining her CBA, Alfonzo applied for an NACM scholarship to attend Credit Congress for the first time in 2016. "Taking the CCRA designation class and exam during Credit Congress was probably the most challenging part of my journey," she said. "It was intense, however, it was totally worth it."

Recognition of Alfonzo's dedication and commitment from her peers was an eye opener, Alfonzo said. "I am extremely grateful for the nomination I received from those who I have the upmost respect for and look up to professionally," she added. "My career road map does not end with my CCRA, my goal is to become a Certified Credit Executive (CCE) in the near future."

For more information about each designation within NACM's Professional Certification Program, visit our website.

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