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Member Spotlight: Credit Congress as a First-Timer

It's hard to believe that one month has already passed since NACM's 127th Credit Congress! Roughly 150 out of 830 Credit Congress attendees experienced the event for their very first time. Laura Luotonen, regional credit manager at Orgill, Inc. (Collierville, TN), a first-time attendee at this year's Credit Congress, is one year into her new job and found the experience to be very rewarding. "I've been to conventions for associations with an open forum where you share best practices and new ideas and Credit Congress was great," she said. "I participated in the leadership sessions and got to network with like-minded people." 

At Credit Congress, members got the chance to earn designations from NACM's Professional Certification Programs and gain valuable credit knowledge in the educational sessions. They got to network and re-connect with credit professionals from other industries and states and learn about different exhibitors at the Expo Hall, as well as give back in NACM's Scholarship Foundation Silent Auction

During the General Session, members had a chance to congratulate awardees of NACM's National Honors & Awards Program. They also listened to keynote speaker, Ty Bennett, speak about his book, The Power of Story Telling, and enjoyed the musical performance of opening act, Justin Cash.

After Credit Congress, Luotonen took back ideas from her sessions and new knowledge to her team such as how to communicate more efficiently with staff and discovered NACM's Thought Leadership Groups. Join us next year in Las Vegas, NV!

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