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Member Spotlight: Designations Open Doors for Opportunities

NACM's Professional Certification Program provides educational opportunities to help credit professionals reach all different goals. Not only will credit professionals seek education to learn new information but many times, credit professionals will seek designations that fine-tune their current skills.

"Getting support from my boss and husband has been the best part of my journey," said Kera Le Hu, CBA, accountant at Viterra Canada, Inc. (Regina – SK, Canada). "I got the opportunity to refresh my memory of accounting courses and could complete them at my own convenience. It has helped me excel with my day-to-day responsibilities"

Because each program allows for the courses to be done at your own pace, there is lots of flexibility for those who have other obligations including work, school or life activities. "Working full time and being a mom of two very busy daughters was a huge challenge for me," said Hu. "I was studying while they were figure skating, dancing and swimming. Despite being interrupted, I was still able to learn everything in the courses I took."

Hu said she was elated to earn her CBA once all of her hard work was finished. "It encourages me to pursue more than just my CBA—it's opened the floor for potentially earning other designations in the future," Hu added. "To anyone starting their journey, trust yourself and sign up for a course to startNACM has some of the best staff and instructors. You will feel fulfilled with knowledge."

For more information about each designation within NACM's Professional Certification Program, visit our website.

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