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Member Spotlight: Determination to Learn More

Credit professionals in the B2B industry are in an everchanging world where they are always expected to adapt. But one consistent factor in growing as a credit professional is ongoing knowledge from educational opportunities. NACM's Professional Certification Program gives credit professionals an opportunity to expand their knowledge and wisdom to grow within their career and put their knowledge to use in their day-to-day work life.

The Credit Business Associate (CBA) is an academic-based designation that signals mastery of three business-credit related disciplines, including Basic Financial Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis 1 and Business Credit Principles. Josh Gorman, CBA, contracts manager at EFCO Corp. (Des Moines, IA) took advantage of every NACM resource he could. "I took the online review session and then sat in on the review session the day of the test at the NACM national conference," Gorman said. "I also carved out time on a daily basis to review materials that were highlighted in the online study session for a few months before the test. All these resources were very helpful. There is a lot of material and it is good to know the key subjects to focus on."

Though Gorman was challenged by the ability to have a work-life balance, earning the CBA was a rewarding experience for him. "It always feels good to achieve something you have worked so hard for," Gorman said. "I plan to soon begin studying for the Credit Business Fellow (CBF)exam and take that at the next NACM national event. NACM has made their resources very accessible through self-paced online classes. Earning your designation can not only give you more confidence in your abilities, but also give you credibility among your peers and associates."

For more information about each designation within NACM's Professional Certification Program, visit our website.

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