2 minutes reading time (323 words)

Member Spotlight: Refresh Your Mind

A risk mitigation plan is essential for identifying, assessing and reducing risks. When making credit decisions, credit professionals must consider risk factors and be knowledgeable in business and credit law. By earing the Credit Business Fellow (CBF) designation through NACM's six-level Professional Certification Program, credit professionals can display their competence in business and credit law as well as establish their credibility in the credit profession.

Jon Ulrich, CBF, is a credit administrator who recently earned his Credit Business Fellow (CBF) designation as a challenge and an opportunity to improve in his role. "I was lucky because my colleague, an NACM member, asked me if I'd be interested in earning the designation," he said. "But I also earned the designation because it was important for the company I work for."

Ulrich reaped the benefits immediately after earning his CBF. "The subject matter in the courses were directly related to my job and it covered topics that I already was very comfortable with," he said. "I found that during my journey, I was competing against myself, doing my absolute best and to pass and not miss anything."

Although it had been a while since he'd been to school, the courses refreshed his mind, especially in accounting. "It was an opportunity for me to sharpen my skills in my field," he said. "My next step in the journey is going to be earning the CCE, so I'm not stopping here and looking forward to that next stage."

💡Study Tip from Ulrich: It's all about balance. "A great way to limit how much you're trying to learn on the weekend or even after class, is to attend every class, take notes and pay attention," he said. "Focus on that, you'll be able to absorb more information and refer back to it later when you study."

For more information about each designation within NACM's Professional Certification Program, visit our website.

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