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Member Spotlight: Study for Success


Your success can be measured by a multitude of factors: your desire, how big your goals are and how you bounce back from adversity are just a few to name. But in the B2B credit world, credit professionals' success can be measured through educational goals—pushing their career goalpost even further.

Dan Erickson, CBA, collections representative at Daikin Applied (Maple Grove, MN) earned his Credit Business Associate (CBA)—the first level of six in NACM's Professional Certification Program. "My favorite part, hands down, was the accounting class because the instructor made one of the hardest classes enjoyable," he said. "I cannot stress enough how much you need to study—and if you thought you studied enough, tack on another hour or two to make sure you really understand the material."

Passing the final exam and earning the CBA is a remarkable accomplishment for credit professionals. It shows mastery of three business credit related disciplines: basic financial accounting, business credit principles and introductory financial statement analysis. "It feels amazing to have earned my CBA because I'm now qualified for many other jobs in the credit field," said Erickson. "I'm extremely lucky to have a boss who sees the benefits of having his team complete and attend NACM sponsored seminars regularly. My goal is to earn my CBF next!"

💡Designation journey tip from Erickson: "If you're able to, study while on breaks. I used to review the study guides from the previous weeks during my lunch breaks to help cut down on how much studying I had to do outside of class."

For more information about each designation within NACM's Professional Certification Program, visit our website. 

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