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Member Spotlight: Test Your Credit Knowledge with Certifications

From risk mitigation to financial analysis, credit professionals are constantly learning. And no matter how long they've been in the credit industry, there's always something new to learn. By earning a designation through NACM's Professional Certification Program, credit professionals are not only tested on their credit knowledge, but they are growing and improving within their field.

Scott Woitas, CCE, CICP, senior manager credit and collections at Donaldson Co Inc. (Minneapolis, MN) said earning his Certified Credit Executive (CCE) designation was beyond a test of his knowledge and skills—it was a rewarding accomplishment. "One of my mentors, Barbara Condit, CCE, has been pushing me for years to get it done," he said. "I had put off earning my CCE after taking my CBA in 2001 and CBF in 2002. So, she was just over the moon when I finally got it done. I'm so glad I did it. I learned a ton and absolutely agree that the CCE does show what you know in credit."

Woitas was not only tested but he was challenged in his journey to earning his CCE. "One challenge for me was the time gap since I had earned my CBA and CBF, even though I've been doing credit for 30 years," he said. "I had to remember things I learned years ago that I wouldn't have had to do if I did them back-to-back."

Woitas made sure he found time to study in his busy schedule and attended the CCE study session held at Credit Congress right before taking the final exam. "Without that, I don't think I would have passed the exam. It gave me a better understanding of the subject matter, especially through the case study examples. Now, I look forward to learning more as I tackle different roles for my company and that is very exciting for me."

For more information about each designation within NACM's Professional Certification Program, visit our website.
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