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Trade Talks with Mexico Continue Amid Tariff Threats

Negotiations between the U.S. and Mexico were set to resume June 6 after President Donald Trump said "not nearly enough" progress was made during a meeting between American officials and Mexico's foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, according to a recent article by Bloomberg. The tariffs are set to be implemented June 10, leaving little time for further negotiation.

Given the aftermath of the most recent meeting, the likelihood of the U.S. following through with these tariffs increases, Bloomberg states. Less progress has been made since the president has been on a weeklong trip in Europe, but he will return soon. 

The tensions around these threats stem from asylum seekers coming into the U.S. for a better quality of life via the U.S. Mexico border—something Trump is attempting to resolve with the threat of tariffs on Mexican exports to the U.S.

"The starting points for both parties is that we recognize that the current situation can't remain as it is," Ebrard said during a press conference. "Because the numbers reported, the flow of people, effectively, are growing far too much."

To learn more about the U.S. and Mexico tariffs, read the full-length story in the June 6 edition of NACM's eNews.

—Christie Citranglo, editorial associate
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