1 minute reading time (195 words)

US China Trade Negotiations Continue, US Tariffs Called Into Question

The U.S. and China continue to negotiate amid the trade wars. According to a recent article in Bloomberg, China remains open to reaching a compromise and partial trade deal with the U.S. The main cause for concern stems from weakening any potential damage a trade war will cause on the health of the global economy.

Negotiators will meet in Washington D.C. Oct. 10, and according to Bloomberg, the negotiators have little confidence an agreement will be reached that will end the trade war. China would be willing to accept a limited deal, should there be no further tariffs imposed by the U.S. Two more sets of tariffs are set to be implemented in December, should an agreement not be reached.

"The recent blacklist and sanctions from the U.S. is just another usual tactic to showcase that it has multiple tools in the trade negotiations in line with Trump's maximum pressure policy," said Huo Jianguo, a former Chinese commerce ministry official who is now vice chairman of the China Society For World Trade Organization Studies, in the Bloomberg article. "It is hardly surprising to us and we shouldn't take it too seriously."

—Christie Citranglo, editorial associate

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